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god save the queen - sex pistols
2001-06-30 - 11:43 p.m.

there's one thing i gotta say:


i don't care if it makes you look like a dork. better a live dork than a dead non-dork.

ahem. anyway. i just had to say that because as i was biking to the library today, i passed about 8 other people on bikes. and none of them were wearing helmets.

but i was wearing my snazzy blue helmet. because i'm not a dumbass.

mmm.. listenin' to the sex pistols..

i love punk.

liz said she'd bring me ru486's tape on monday. because i liked them. no one else in class did. they were like "what the hell?"

mmm.. local punk.

i was in a band (besides the school's) in high school. we were called Dead Things Do Tricks. yeah. it was stacy, roz, casey and i. well. we were in a band as much as we could be considering we didn't have drums and what not. we had my acoustic guitar and part of a drum set. and three clarinets. (stacy, roz and i) and three of us were graduating in three months.

i'm in a band now, with my friend jackie. we're called Mute Prophets. after this really cool poem. but, its hard to be able to practice and stuff when one person is working a crap load of hours and the other is taking classes during the summer. and the fact that we live 20 miles away isn't helping.

that just reminded me. i need to ask david were that guitar string place is. the strings on my guitar came from the dumpster there. they were free. rock on. i want to get some acoustic bass strings. that would rock.

i love basslines.

i want to make a zine. i haven't seen any around town.

today i was telling mom of all sorts of random things i know how to make. beer, wine, a tattoo gun, a cartbike, etc. she just looked at me like i was crazy. (but that has nothing to do with it. seriously.)

i'm very tempted to make the tattoo gun because i want another tattoo, but i'm not stupid enough to give myself one. or someone else for that matter. i guess i'll just wait till i have some cash.

i do want to make some wine for someone. i don't drink, so it's kinda pointless to make some for myself.


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