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these are a few of my favorite things. however, the Sound of Music is not one of them..
10.04.01 - 11:07 p.m.

rain is good.

watching mom talk to big burly tattoo artists and making them twirl around and shit so she can see all their tattoos and piercings is fun.

coffee is good.

cappachino is good.

Cadallaca is good.

walking to school and kicking the fallen leaves around is good.

michigan in the fall is good.

a few days ago, at an ungodly hour in the morning, (bout4am), i was talking to my friend. i was depressed (suprise suprise). she told me to think of some things that made me happy.

a friend calling even though she's tired, and should be sleeping like any sane person, makes me happy. even if i'm still all quiet and shit.

thank you B.

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