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bless you my child
03.04.02 - 9:59 p.m.

well, i'm a reverend now. so is my brother, but i don't care about him, so never mind him. this is very interesting.

speaking of religion, i�m enjoying this religion class a lot so far. we�re learning about roman catholicism. very interesting. learning about the two different Limbos is interesting also. plus, i got to impress my catholic cousins with my superb knowledge. add in the fact that they didn�t know about the Limbos, makes me feel smart.

as for today�s class.. i didn�t go. i was far too comfy to do anything more than turn my alarm off. so, i skipped class and slept til noon. it was enjoyable.

i�ve actually been productive today. i did the dishes, took out the garbage, fed the animals, cleaned out the fridge, and now i�m in the process of cleaning my room. which to start with, i�m just taking care of the clean clothes, and putting all the dirty ones in a laundry basket. its going good.

cleaning out the fridge was.. a new experience. i�m not saying that there were dishes growing tiny civilizations of tiny people (that was the crock pot. we threw that out 2 weeks ago), but since i�ve thrown everything out that was expired and whatnot, there�s nothing left in the fridge expect tomatoes, oranges, blood oranges, kiwi, soy milk, some wine and a few bottles of beer. which, i might just drink the rest of that wine tonight. there�s not much left, and i want the bottle. truthfully, its not very good wine. or maybe i�m just not a fan of white wine. hm. i�ll see if mom will buy some red wine next time.

man.. i got the munchies. i wish i still had some pizza left, but nooo.. i had the last piece when i woke up. i guess i could make a boca burger.

mm, boca burgers.

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