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some things and a story
02.19.04 - 11:31 a.m.

I've started working out. Kinda. I'm not comfortable going to a gym yet (plus I don't have any money to pay for a membership), so I'm just doing little things around the apartment. And waiting till the weather stops sucking so much (today is damn pretty though), so I can get my bike from mom's house and start riding it around again.


Friday after work, I got my chest piece touched up. It looks much better.

However, I don't feel like it's done. It still needs more done to it. I'm still working on that part.


Sunday was a good day. I meet up with B, and we went to the mall so she could buy new bras. We had fun. Except for the part where she almost lost her car keys, but I found them, so all is well.


Last week, I was hanging out with B while she was working (she cleans all the buildings in our office park).

We were in this one building, it was about 9:45pm, and no one else was in the building but us. I was sitting on the stairway that faces the main door, with the side door down a hallway still in my line of sight. We were on the bottom floor.

We were talking, when all of a sudden, we both heard someone upstairs. We heard footsteps and doors closing. Naturally, we freaked right the fuck out, and ran into the closest office and locked the door.

It was creepy as hell. We had just been upstairs and there was no one there. Plus, if someone had come in I would have seen them. Also? Our cars were the only ones in the parking lot.

After spazzing our for about 15 minutes, we ventured upstairs, only to find no one there.

No one believes us either.


Music: Taking Back Sunday

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