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04.03.05 - 10:16 p.m.

I�m hoping that since I had a bit of crap happen to me in only a span of a few days, I can have a good bit of happiness for a while. grandma on dad�s side passed away; going to the funeral; almost getting into a car accident two days in a row: the one of Friday involved me having to slam on my brakes and end up with a big ass truck 6� from the front of my car [I was westbound going through the light, he was eastbound and turning left] and luckily the suv behind me stopped before they slammed into me too. The one on Thursday [which was when right after I picked up my brother and we were on the way to the funeral] involved a truck running a red light [doing about 45mph in a 35mph zone] and I managed to see him in time. I stopped at the subway I go to on Friday [after the near miss] and when they asked how I was, I told them crappy, and they offered to do any ass-kicking that needed to be done.

Aww, I love my subway kids.


Dentist appointment on Tuesday. Interesting.

Music: drew �new planet�

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