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"yeah, well i like it rough"
06.29.03 - 10:10 p.m.

according to the brother, i "turn rough" when i'm driving. well, yeah. you can't lollygag around when you're being chased by the cops.

(ha ha. i kid.)

anyway, i was at work when i decided to take the parent's car and get some dinner. so, i was driving to subway, had the beatles blaring, and when i turned into the subway parking lot, two of the three boxes of books in the backseat toppled over. there was a crash and a couple thuds and the sound of a plastic iced tea bottle being killed by a shitload of books.

and all that somehow evolved into me "turning rough". gee, sorry mr "i drive like a little old lady".

don't get me wrong. i'm not saying i'm one of those asshole drivers who tailgates everyone and whatnot. i just don't drive like a little old lady. that's all.

earlier - later