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more boring stuff in my life
2001-07-16 - 11:35 p.m.

nothing interesting happened in class. there were more presentations and general boring stuff. i took the quiz i missed which was really easy.

i'm getting a B- in the class. which i guess isn't too bad since the prof didn't put our presentation grade in there. and i was missing stuff that i turned in today. so. yeah.

i'm getting mah groove thang on to some fun punk.

or something. whatever.

i need to figure out what classes i'm taking the the fall. i'm gonna do that either tonight or tomorrow. probably tomorrow. there's some history classes i want to take. plus sociology and social science. i'm pretty much doing everything i can to avoid a math class right now.

see? i told you that between the two of us, i'm more boring. ;)

hotmail is still being an ass..


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