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so thats what a social life looks like..
10.22.01 - 12:16 a.m.

i actually had something resembling a social life friday (gasp! the horror!). after class, i hung out with M. we went to the art center, the costume shop down the road, then we walked downtown to a thrift store, some mall-like type thing that used to be cool, a used book store, plus we found a cafe that just opened.

it was all highly enjoyable. we spent 4 1/2 hours just walking around and shit.

later, mom and i went out to dinner and i amused myself by staring out the window and playing with my straw wrapper.

i weaseled a walkman out of mom, so i could listen to tapes, cuz cds skip and tapes don't.

i made a mix tape. its all very enjoyable.

i wish my package would hurry up and get to its new home. bring some happy-ness.

earlier - later