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dirty clothes and bananas
12.12.01 - 8:29 p.m.

today was my final day of history #1. i guessed on almost all of the test questions because i didn't feel like reading them and thinking. good enough reason for me.

as i was walking home, it started raining. of course.

i got home and mom was still here cuz she was waiting for the house apprasial guy. she bitched at me to pick up my room, so i did that in not-really-cleaning sort of way. i took my blanket and pillow of the floor and threw them on my mattresses. and i sprayed some frolic-y meadow-y stinky crap cuz as mom said "your room smells like dirty clothes and bananas." well duh. cuz there's dirty clothes laying all over and two banana peels in my trash can.

so, the house apprasial guy came, and i went to the gas station (Cute Gas Station Girl was there), bought coffee, then came back and sat outside in the rain with my dog.

i want some pizza.

its not even 9pm and i'm tired already.. thats sad.

earlier - later