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a musical interlude
03.01.02 - 12:45 p.m.

when i was in elementary school, my music teacher taught us a useful lesson: if you're singing along to a song and you forget the words, mouth the word "watermelon". it looks like you're singing along, when in actuality, you're watching that bird peck at the ground.

this works especially well when used in large groups. for example, such as when you're in 5th grade and the whole 5th grade class has to sing "heal the world" for some hokey thing on an incredibly lovely spring day. and because you get distracted by anything shiny or anything that looks like more than fun what you're doing, you don't know all the words. you don't really care either, but you're only 9, and you don't have you're total slackerness achieved yet.

it works works well, when 10 years later, you're sitting in your room using your computer and singing along to Rammstein. except, not only can you not remember all the lyrics, but you don't speak german. well then. bust out that watermelon my friends. it works just as good in german.

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