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peace of mind
03.03.02 - 3:51 p.m.

i am in a peaceful mood today. no, strike that. i am in an incredibly peaceful mood today. i have a mug of peppermint tea sitting next to me, ani's "dilate" cd playing, the cats are sleeping on my bed, the dog is sleeping in the living room, and its snowing to beat the band. and i think i just channeled my mom for that last part.

speaking of mom, my aunt and she got to texas safely last night, so thats good.

aw.. morgan just jumped up in my lap. he's so cute. but its hard to type with his fuzzy flamin' homo self in the way.

i bet he has a mini feather boa and a cher cd stashed somewhere.

but anyway, back to me being oddly peaceful. i don't know what it is. if its the warm tea flowing through me, or if its because i got some great sleep after i took the heavy pink (i know you're laughing erica) blanket out of mom's room and feel asleep in what was pretty much a cocoon of snuggly warmth. i couldn't feel the draft in my room and it was nice.

i've been reorganizing my bookshelf. actually, there's not to much organization going on. basically, the stuff that i read the most goes on the first shelf. here's a rundown in case someone might vaguely care: webster's II new college dictionary (yes, i actually read the dictionary), The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, Favorite Poems Old and New (used to be mom's. has poems by carl sandburg, a.a. milne, william blake, walt whitman, and edgar allan poe. among many, many others), The Collected Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, The Poetry of Robert Frost, Selections from Leaves of Grass by walt whitman, The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces vol. 1 (homer, sappho of lesbos, sophocles, plato, ovid, niccolo machiavelli, michel de montaigne, and many others. 2219 pages of goodness), Memoirs of a Beatnik by diane di prima, The Beat Book: Writings From the Beat Generation, The Complete Works of william shakespeare, m.c. escher: the graphic work, The Divine Comedy of dante alighieri, Don Quixote of the Mancha by miguel de cervantes, Go West Young Fucked-Up Chick by rachel resnick, and High Fidelity by nick hornby.

heh, i'm not sure if you noticed, but i love books. and i'm a dork.

well, to continue my peaceful day, i'm going to go have some weetabix with kiwis and soy milk, work on the red bike because i ended up not doing that yesterday, take a shower, do some laundry, play a little bit of guitar, do some tai chi chaun, meditate, and possibly do some painting.

which reminds me, i need to buy some more canvas. ugh.

a week from tomorrow i'll be stuck in a cubicle in an office full of college students. someone save me.

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