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sex obsessed smurfs
03.29.02 - 11:14 p.m.

i could have went to work today. but i didn't, my logic being that i wasn't scheduled, plus i'm 5 or 6 days next week since it's spring break and i have no where to go. cuz i'm a loser (baby, so why don't you kill me?).

so instead, i slept until 11 at which point i woke up and saw that the smurfs were on. during which i made everything that the smurfs said, into something sex related. cuz its funny. ha!

the next thing i knew, it was 6 and mom was home from work. i'm not really sure what i did for those hours, cuz all of a sudden, it was night, and gilmore girls was on. apparently i didn't do much, seeing as how i was still sitting in my bed and still in my pajamas.

then at 9, i decided was hungry, since i hadn't eaten anything all day. so i put on some pants and a sweater, grabbed my coat and headed to the store, where i bought a loaf of bread and some cheese slices, so i could make grilled cheese sandwhiches. luckily i didn't have to buy any tomato soup. we still have like 50 cans of that stuff.

my hair is amusing me very much. its doing that bed-head thing, yet it looks oddly good. joy.

i got a catalouge of summer classes today. at first i decided i wanted to take another shakespeare class, cuz they were doing different plays from last time, plus they're going to stratford. mainly, i just wanted to go to stratford again, cuz i love that city damnit.

but then i decided against it, because it would cost $160 to take the class. so then i decided i'm gonna buy new glasses. i need to have my eyes re-checked anyway. so yeah. i'm gonna use my first paycheck (and possibly my commission check) to buy a new pair of glasses. i'm awfully excited. how nerdy of me.

oh yeah, i forgot to mention. on my way to the store tonight, i almost hit a parked car. i could probably blame it on the rain or something, but truthfully, i was thinking about kelly.

music: "problem with the world today" antithesis and "driving home" hot water music

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