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08.08.04 - 5:28 p.m.

Friday: i only worked for a few hours, then i spent the day hanging out with A and K. and it was good. and very fun.

Saturday: i went to blockbuster and talked to the fabulous duo of K and N. we talked about the queer movies, and i bought a copy of 'but i'm a cheerleader', which is a very funny movie that everyone should go see. including you. go rent it.

Today: i went to visit mom, took her out to breakfast, then we made our way over to the flea market in turkeyville. i bought a very cool stand for my record player (and for my records). it was only $20 dollars so i'm quite happy with that. when we got back to her house, i took that stereo from my escort (which i forget i own sometimes) and i'm going to try to get it hooked up in the beast. except none of the wire match or anything. i'm gonna need help with it. and morgan cat ran away again. stupid cat.

tuesday. 5pm. appointment with mike to get my new tattoo started. (to cover up the kanji on my arm) i'm excited.

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