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09.09.04 - 6:40 p.m.

tuesday at 5pm. got an appointment to get some coloring done on my sleeve. i'm quite excited. mike told me about the kind of colors he was thinking of going for, and luckily i agree with his choices. it'll look awesome. better than awesome. it'll be awesome-o. soon the stupid kanji on my arm will be covered up by something pretty that makes me smile. (the eyes! so big and shiny! they make me smile!)


people seem to have a habit of calling me "miss amanda". some of my aunts do it, mom does it (or she'll call me "sis"), alice does it, and today The Boss did it.

did they all get a memo or something?

music: cadallaca (mm, cadallaca)

eating: homemade guacamole (mm, guacamole)

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