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11.22.04 - 10:18 p.m.

Dear Mashed Potatoes,

I love you. Really, I do. You've been with me since I was a tiny Wigglestick. Everytime that I was too stubborn to try something new, you were there. Remember that week where we were dead broke and had nothing to eat but potatoes? You were there for me. Once or twice that sexy cousin of your's Baked Potato. But it was always you.

Oh - please don't cry Mashed Potato. I still love you. You know I do.

It's just.. there is something else. I wish I didn't have to tell you. But I do. I couldn't stand to lie to you. I know you would find out come Thanksgiving, when I don't go for you. I want you to know before hand, I think it's only fair.

Its.. its.. Mashed Sweet Potato. Oh, I know Sweet Potato isn't really a potato, and I know you know it too. But see, Sweet Potato? Isn't the smartest potato. But sooo good.

And, I think we just need to take a small break from each other, Mashed Potato. I'll always love you, but I just need something different in my life right now.

I will always love you Mashed Potato.

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