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when you're no longer happy, you best do something 'bout it.
10.20.05 - 12:37 p.m.

Please Don't Make Me End Up Living in a Box:

if, by some fabulous stroke of luck, anyone who reads this knows of someone who will need a roommate* in lansing or east lansing (michigan) beginning in april, please let me know.

*why i would be a kick ass roommate: i'm clean and i pay bills on time. and i am not an asshole.

also, finding a job there would be an immense help. what with the paying bills and all.

Because People Like Stuff and I Need Money:

for sale: Buffy the Vampire Slayer dvds (seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5), Angel the Series (season 1), misc. books & comics.

dvds - $20 a season. good condition. buy multiple seasons, you get a discount.

books & comics - cheap.

if you're interested contact me at brackish2525 at hotmail dot com

earlier - later