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11.21.05 - 1:43 p.m.

On a scale of 1 (least awkward) to 10 (most awkward), lunch with my dad was:


(And the food itself wasn't anything to write home about. salad bar and bland soup. I would have much rather have gone to the middle eastern restaurant next door.)

p.s. - Happy day of my birth. Meh. Hopefully it ends up better. Also, why is it, whenever I ask for strippers on my birthday, I never get them? Thats sad.

What part of "I want strippers" sounds like "Buy me cake"? Unless the strippers* come covered in cake. And also come with beer.

Mm.. strippers and cake and beer and sjgdy78ar743jh!@SDjhs


Sorry. My brain shorted out.

*Yeah, actually they don't even have to be real strippers. They could just be certain hot chicks I know around town who make me all hot and bothered.

listening to: chin up chin up 'we should never have lived like we were skyscrapers'

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