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12.03.05 - 10:53 p.m.

Just so you know, the answer to �where is my car insurance?� was: buried between a stack of burned legally bought cds and mail that should have been tossed a while ago.

And now, it has been tossed in the mass of confusion that is my glove box, to be lost again until I might actually need it.


Speaking of my car, Friday morning after I got ready for work, I went outside and.. I couldn�t find my car.

I should clarify: it could have been one of two cars. See, my neighbor has the exact same car as me. Make, model, color, everything. Except for one part: mine has a small white line, maybe an 1/8 of an inch running from the front to the back of the car. Which is usually how I tell them apart in the morning when I hadn�t had any coffee yet (which is every day before work since I don�t own a coffee maker. Which poses its own problem).

It had snowed overnight (yay! So pretty!) and we had gotten a couple inches. Which was enough to cover up the white line.

And I had forgotten which spot I parked in.

So you see my problem.

I spent the next 5 minutes looking back and forth between my two choices.

Luckily, I chose the right one. Not-so-luckily, that meant I still needed to go to work.

earlier - later