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04.13.06 - 1:12 p.m.

i got contacts this morning. of course after wearing glasses for the last almost 12 years (wtf? damn..) i keep forgetting i'm wearing contacts. to be fair i've only had them about 2 hours. however, i keep going to push my glasses up, but instead i end up jabbing myself in the face.

however, now that i can't hide behind my glasses, i've noticed i have dark circles under my eyes. i know its not because of lack of sleep (hello unemployment, how i enjoy sleeping in till 10am) or something. so.. am i going to have to end up using makeup (omg!) of some sort to cover them? i have no clue. but i would not be suprised if the answer is yes. i don't want to use makeup though, mainly because the last time i wore makeup was.. once between 10 & 15 years ago. my friend had a birthday party and it was when mom was selling mary kay (which is just amusing itself for various reasons), and everyone was like "yay! makeup!" and somehow i was strong-armed into having makeup put on me. and it was a horrible experience.

or i could just get my eyebrow pierced again to distract people.


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