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if you didn't cut or dye your hair, what did you do..?
06.24.02 - 11:19 p.m.

when mom and the brother walked in the door tonight, they both looked at me and they both asked a question: "did you cut your hair?" and "did you dye your hair?" oh, and the answer for both of those questions is "no". i took a shower. why do they act all surprised? and the sad thing is, that happens everytime.

aside from taking a shower, i spent my day laying around in my pajamas while i watched soap operas, cartoons and kids in the hall. i also ate cereal and pizza and listened to lots of music and killed stupid bugs.

speaking of bugs, there is an army of ants attacking our house. at least they're all in the kitchen in a nice single file line. but really, you'd think when they came across a barracade made out of the corpses of their commrades, they'd be like "hey. dead ants. that sucks. lets go." but do they? fuck no.

there was a firefly in my room last night. when i turned my light off, it was pretty.

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