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dykeadelic coffee night
07.10.02 - 11:13 p.m.

i got my hair cut. in a *real* haircut place, not standing in front of my bathroom mirror singing along to kylie. which is what i was doing before i decided i didn't feel like doing it myself.

so i went to the haircut place, and when the chick asked me what i wanted, i shrugged, told her to do whatever. she was awfully nice. plus, my hair looks good. very nice and gay, which is what i always go for.

on the way home, i stopped and gave this bum $10. it was all the cash left in my wallet from the haircut expedition.

so then, i came home, took a shower, got dressed, and headed back towards k-zoo, to partake in the first dyke coffee night (planned by the lovely liz) at fourth coast, and sweet jeebus, was it fucking fun! and gay! and fun! and extremely dykeadelic! there were only 4 of us, but it was still highly amusing. one amusing thing, was that liz and i knew each other, and the other two are sisters. so basically, everyone didn't know two other people. i guess you had to be there.

and there's so much i want to say about the night, except i wouldn't be able to do any of it justice, so i'll leave you with this quote which was said during the hootenany: "i never thought i'd be sitting in a coffee shop with a bunch of lesbians, talking about bisexuality while johnny cash is singin 'I walk the Line'"

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