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grandpa wendell
08.06.02 - 10:03 p.m.

this entry may seem more disjointed than usual. i don't know.

my grandpa wendell is in the hospital right now. him and sal (my step-grandma) were delivering bait today. they went to grand rapids and to saginaw. and on the way home, they stopped at meijer, and sal ran in to get something. when she got back, grandpa was out of it. i don't mean out of it like, crazed psycho killing spree out of it, but the out of it where he didn't know what day it was, where he was, or who sal was. sal got him to the hospital though. she thought he might have had a stroke.

sal called work about 2:30. we booked out of there, and speeded all the way to hastings. we got there, and sal was there with teresa (one of my aunts), and we waited around because we didn't know what was going on. after a few hours, they moved grandpa up to a room, and we were able to go see him. he seems to be doing okay right now. but i guess earlier, he had a fever and didn't recognize mom or sal. the doctors say that he didn't have a stroke, but they don't know what he had. they had to run some tests, take some blood. that kind of thing. he's staying in the hospital for a few days, and sal is there too.

i just.. i don't know what i'd do if i lost another grandpa this year..

earlier - later