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smarter than the average taco bell drone
08.10.02 - 1:22 a.m.

ok, so, i was driving around today after going to both goodwills in town (got some books: 'autobiography of malcolm x', 'the pearl' by steinbeck, 'alas, babylon' by pat frank, 'catch-22' by heller, and 'les miserables' by hugo [what?! me, dork?!]), and i decided i was hungry, and i had very little money, so i stopped by taco bell (mm, nachos).

and what follows is the actual conversation i had with the guy working in the drive thru at taco bell. i'll call him bill, because i don't know his name.

[i pull up and hand him the money]

bill: "you know who david berkowitz is?"

me: "the Son of Sam guy"

bill: "that's right! god, no one here knows who he is. no one here knows who jeffrey dahmer is either"

me: "you don't have very smart people working here do you?"

bill: "hell no. they should all be smacked. but hey, look on the bright side: you're smarter than a taco bell employee."

[and then he handed me my food and i drove away]

it wasn't until i pulled out of the parking lot that i realized what a weird ass conversation i just had.

but oh, i'm smarter than a taco bell employee. my day is now complete.

music: two weeks from tomorrow

earlier - later