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spicy and cool with a hint of cheese
08.20.02 - 11:24 p.m.

bean taco topped with junior mints and hot sauce = interesting food. hot and spicy, yet cool and refreshing at the same time, with a hint of cheese.

yes, i am one of those kids who will mix together weird (depends on your definition of weird, i guess) foods and eat it. sometimes with offers of money. but money isn't necessary.

if you mix together milk and mountain dew, it'll curdle. actually, it'll only do that if you have milk then add mountain dew, or mountain dew then milk. i'm not sure which one curdles. but one does and one doesn't and the one that doesn't, doesn't taste all that bad.

i need to find better things to do.

now if you don't mind, i'm gonna go raid the kitchen and see what there is.

mint chocolate chip ice cream and cracker jack, anyone?

earlier - later