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holiday dinner
12.21.02 - 8:54 p.m.

last night, i went to the first annual Summit holiday dinner. at the boss's house. so, braving the cold, blowing wind and snow (i saw one accident, and fishtailed on the way there), all of us kids, minus a few people, showed up at jase's house.

and it was a fucking blast. dinner was fab, and the appetizers were delicious, and the desert was to die for. *two* different kinds of cheesecake. heather and i were the two brave souls who tried the cheesecake that was covered in chocolate chips, chocolate, and heresy kisses. we each took a bite, and looked at each other, eyes wide. and in unison, we said "oh. dear. god." it was fabulous.

dinner was a sight to see. all of us gathered around a long table, everyone laughing and telling stories and having a blast. and that's what it should be like.

after dinner, we piled onto jase's leather couch, arms and legs sprawled all over each other, and molly, jase's wife, took a picture of us.

and it was wonderful.

and i got a $50 bonus.

earlier - later