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she's a stripper named Bunny
05.10.03 - 11:25 p.m.

yesterday, alice and i were standing in line at the subway by work. the subguy finished making our sandwiches (mm, lettuce.), and then said "are you two together?" now, i must admit, sometimes alice and i aren't the smartest ones. we just slowly looked at each other, turned back to subguy and went "well.. no.."

which then we figured out, he meant if we were paying together. not having hot lesbian monkey sex.

and then (and then!) when we paid, we gave cashguy a handful of ones, which prompted him to ask if we were waitresses. i told him (and i quote) "no, but she's (head nod in alice's direction) a stripper. her name is Bunny." and then i proceeded to sing (if you call it that), porn music. bam chicka bam bam. work it.


in other news, i dyed my hair purple, and my lobes are now at 10gauge (they were at a 12). still more stretching to do.

music: amazing transparent man - 'the ocean is a fuck of a long way to swim'

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