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they were mesmerized by the boobies
08.30.03 - 1:24 a.m.

ah ha! i actually have something to write about. why yes, hell is freezing over. why do you ask?


so, chris called me about 10pm. asked me what i was doing (making a bagel actually). her and her friend annie came and picked me up. and then we drove around for a while and ended up at the bowling alley in town.

only to find out that it was like $5 to get in, $6 to bowl. and well, we didn't want to bowl. we just wanted to play air-hockey.

luckily, we managed to sweet talk (well, i didn't so much "sweet talk" as was "really snarky") the guys managing the door, so we got in for free. it also helped that annie was wearing a really lowcut shirt.

they were mesmerized by the boobies!

and then they felt like big morons when they realized that they had completely guessed our ages. they had thought chris was 17, i was 17, and annie was 15. (we're 22, 20, and 18 respectively.)

yes. so. we got in, chris bought booze for herself, and i kicked some serious ass at air hockey. and we talked somemore with one of the guys who let us in (his name is dave), and then left when they closed at 1am, proceeding to drove around town in annie's car, with really really loud music, and they dropped me off since they had to get back to kalamazoo, and here i am.

and bree is said she'd call me this weekend so we could go do something.

a weekend where i may actually do things! exciting!

watching: cartoons

earlier - later