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i might be my own grandma. i'm not sure..
01.22.04 - 10:15 p.m.

there is this unwritten "law" at work. well, not so much a "law" as it is just how it happens.

and it is this: All employees must be related, roomates/known each other before working together, and/or dating.

kate s. used to work with the wife of our boss. heidi is kate s's cousin.

i am related to kris (mom), matt #3(brother), and aubrey (cousin). i have known alice for 14 years.

marci used to be roomates with heather. marci now dates tollen, who is roomates with matt #2.

matt #2 used to be roommates with trevor, kyle, brad, and tony. matt #2 and kate h. also briefly dated.

matt #1 had known the boss and his family forever.

so today, when heather and i saw an application from someone that none of us knew, we basically said "who the fuck is that?"

earlier - later