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george killian's = nasty
06.21.02 - 11:50 p.m.

ok. item #1: George Killian's Irish Red beer isn't that good. or maybe all beer is gross. i wouldn't know since i stick to wine as you know. everytime i take a drink, i shudder. i shudder more than when i drink the jug wine.

item #2: i'm still rightly pissed off about that jury duty thing.

item #3: is it sad when you spent your friday night scrapbooking with a bunch of middle aged women? because well, that's what i did. i'm pathetic.

item #.. eh, i ran out of items. so, beer mentioned above=nasty. morgan cat was just on the porch, so i went out and sat there, but after a few minutes he walked off. maybe he'll just be my outdoor kitty.

i wish my cd burner thingy wasn't being such a bitch, cuz i have all sorts of yummy songs that i want to put on mix tapes (well, cds), but i can't because, well, its being a bitch. for instance, i want to make a mix tape and put the song by First Grade Crush that i have on it, but nooo.. no ska goodness.

oh well. now i'm off to wander around wal-mart because i have nothing better to do.

music: thursday, day old donuts, hot water music, pinehurts kids, ackley kid

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