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mm, whoopass..
06.13.02 - 11:18 p.m.

i spent $67.82 on pants today. however, they are good pants. i stopped at young's army surplus store on the way to work. and oh. my. GOD. i am in love with that store. ok, granted, i'm not down with the army however, i will admit that i do like all those pants and boots and bags and whatnot. so yes. i bought two pairs of pants (oo! the pockets!), and i'm planning on going back sometime when i'm not in a rush to go to work, so i can look at the bags.

so other than that.. i wandered around work barefoot all day long, did very little work, and ate pizza. oh, and trevor bought me an ice cream cone. indirectly anyway. he bought a piece of pizza from me for a dollar, which i used to buy an ice cream cone on the way home.

would you like to know something? at work, no one likes The Brother. but they all like me. hee! i love inner office gossip. i'm very loveable yo.

oh! i found my whoopass energy drink by jones soda. i had some of this stuff on the way to st. louis, and i haven't been able to find it since. until today, that is. at the gas station right by work. so i bought two cans and i'm very happy. mm, whoopass..

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