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my mom is crazy
2001-06-16 - 10:29 p.m.

this as been an odd day. i've been incredibly stressed for the passed week, and it's not going to get better for the next week. i have a presentation due wednesday for my humanities class. i have to interview someone. and i haven't done it yet. a week from tuesday is my presentation for shakespeare (model of the Globe theater). and my final is due that thursday.

however, on the bright side, i got me a new pair of boots. this is my 4th pair (see? i am vaguely girly. i have a million pairs of boots. and i wear nailpolish. go me) of black stompy dyke boots. $5 at goodwill and they look like they've never been worn. they are so awesome.

i argued with mom twice today. that doesn't happen often. let alone in one day. the first time was when mom was telling me people i could do for my interview for class (it has to be someone in the arts), but everyone she was mentioning wasn't someone i would be able to interview. seh couldn't seem to grasp the fact that i'm not the one saying who i can and can't interview, the prof is. blah blah blah.

the second time was on the way home from getting groceries. first, let me mention that where i live, a lot of africian-americans live. now i say that because of what happened the second time. on the way home, we passed two african americans just walking on the sidewalk and mom was like "those to are up to no good." and she was serious. now, she says that everytime we pass (as i say) "someone who isn't a damn honky". i asked her if that was because they're black, and she said "that's a big part of it."

what the hell? she just pisses me off. so, she accepts the fact that her daughter is a dyke, but not that every single black is *not* a drug dealer?

can i trade her in for a new mom?

.confused/angry wigglestick.

earlier - later