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did you hear in the news today that the world's still spinning? - pseudo heros
2001-07-29 - 2:08 a.m.

i'm sitting here drinking a bottle of (non-alcoholic) sangria, and i'm feeling.. truthfully, i don't know the word for what i'm feeling. pathetic? no. sad? no. bored? no, that was earlier in the day.

it's just.. like.. fuck man, i don't know. i just need to go out riding and clear my mind. but it wouldn't help because i would still be thinking about her.

that's aside from the fact that i live pretty much in the ghetto and i don't think riding my bike at 2:15 am in the ghetto is going to help any. i don't want to get hit by some car trolling around for prostitutes that are a few streets over or some shit like that.

damn. damn the prostitutes. damn the horny old men. damn it i'm out of sangria. damn myself for falling hopelessly in love.

i just don't know what to do.


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