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2001-08-18 - 9:14 p.m.

don't you hate it when you stop at a gas station, planning on getting a bottle of rasberry iced tea, but they don't have any, so you end up getting a bottle of cherry coke? [don't you hate it when i type long pointless sentences?] yes. so. no iced tea for me. bummer. but i did buy [ok, so mom bought it] some rasberry tea. because my throat has been hurting, and i've been told to drink tea. i haven't had any yet. i also got some more sangria. hooray! and we rented some movies. i got "Suburbia" and "Break Away". mom got "The Red Violin" i've vaguely seen "Suburbia". it was on one morning at like 1am. i didn't have the sound on though, cuz i was talking on the phone. i'm talking to sarah. which is cool, cuz we haven't talked to each other in like almost 6 months. sarah:Hey Me: hey Sarah: HOw are you? Me: pretty good, yourself? Sarah: pretty good. Sarah: so, got a job yet? Me: hell no Sarah: god amanda Me: what? i'll be going to classes 5 days a week this year. thats good enough, right? Sarah: you ever gonna get a job/? Me: eventually that amused me. the second question she asked me was if i had a job. why does everyone ask me that? "i'm a lazy sod" [hooray for the Sex Pistols!]

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