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i have no life so i got biking yet again
2001-08-24 - 2:05 a.m.

i biked 15 miles today, and spent some time at the library [like usual]. i got some good books, i'm pleased about that.

thats all thats happened. i biked and i'm going to go biking again. and i'm going to a movie that i don't really want to go to, yet i'm still going to it.

and like usual, i'm still sleeping weird hours.

and my knee hurts. its not cool. too bad we don't have any pain killers.

i'm kinda getting the idea that i need to clean my room. i tripped over a bunch of empty bottles just on my way to turn off my tv. and i spent 20 minutes looking for my wallet. it was on my floor.

today after i go riding, i have to clean out kim's car. which you would think she would want to do [it being her car and all], but she's still in detroit. of course.

she has all sorts of crap in her car. i was looking in there a few days ago [looking for a spare tire], and she has like 4 jackets, pants, shirts, shoes, all sorts of stuff she probably needed for class. not to mention her huge amount of parking tickets.

and i have to clean it all out. what a load of crap.

earlier - later