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"i'm not even supposed to be here today!"
08.24.01 - 10:47 p.m.

today i saw "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" with my brother. it wasn't good. it sucked. it sucked so much that its not even funny.

i'm the only one who thought so, which is just fine by me.

personally, i think the only good Kevin Smith movie out of all of them [clerks, mallrats, chasing amy, dogma, jay and silent bob] is clerks.

yeah. so anyway, we saw the movie [which was at the mall. stupid mall..]. we wandered around the mall. well, by "wandered" that just means we went to a bookstore and the pretzel stand to my brother could get a pretzel. i saw diana from Shakespeare class, and we said hi and whatnot.

getting strange looks from little kids is just fucking fun. which brings me to: i got strange looks from little kids! my day is complete. i also got strange looks from random other teenage type people. man that amuses me so much.

ok, so, people always think i look 2 or 3 years younger than i am. so, when i go into a gas station and buy two packs of cigarettes [for mom. she didn't feel like going down the block], don't you think the guy working there should, oh i don't know, card me perhaps? i asked for the cigarettes, and he just handed them to me. i was like "um. okay." it was just weird. i mean, mom gets carded when she goes down. okay then.

hooray for aqua-net. lots and lots of aqua-net used to make spiffy spiked hair. tis fun

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