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your plaids don't match
09.22.01 - 11:03 p.m.

mom and i decided that we want new curtains in the kitchen because the currents ones suck. which they do. see, the key here is we can't agree on what kind of fabric pattern to get. the ones i liked were: frogs, chili peppers, Coca-Cola, and scooby-doo. mom liked: clouds, kittys, apples, and some flowery/appley crap.

however, we did agree on one thing: camoflage. (though we couldn't agree on which type of camo.) heh, we're such rednecks. "Camo for the kitchen! yea!"

we want to paint the kitchen too. its so ugly. and you know, we'll have lived here for 3 years this fall, and i've just realized we have a rooster thing going on as a border in the kitchen. i'm so observant.

and so we puttered around the store, and i was in a groovy mood so i danced and danced through the aisles, with my super long chain and my snazzy flannel shirt and my grass stained-sharpie markered up all-stars and my ska-tastic plaid hat. and i wandered through aisles filled with halloween and christmas crap and pushed buttons on all the noisy toys i could find.

and we looked at luggage and mom said she'd buy me a luggage set for when i leave and promised me a futon for when i get my first apartment and i came to the conclusion that i want to go to school in canada. with the hockey and the mounties and the pretty money (and pretty girls) and the Labat Blue bear. i don't know if i'm actually gonna be able to make it happen, but i'm gonna try.

hooray for canada! its hard to send plaid without stamps

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