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time flies when you have no life
09.24.01 - 11:04 p.m.

i'm a slacker. thats really all there is to it. i didn't go to class today. it wasn't like i woke up and thought "hm, i think i shall not attend class on this fine day." it was more like i knocked my clock over at which point it came unplugged and i thought "nugh. sleep." and sleep i did. till noon.

then i listened to celtic music, checked my mail, watched the sky (all dark and dreary out. lovely), and then all of a sudden it was 7pm. i have no idea where all that time went. it couldn't have been from checking my mail, cuz i only had one thing and it took me ten minutes to reply to it (9 minutes to find something to drink, 1 to actually decide what to type and type it).

i still have a draft of a research paper i need to type and bring in to comp, but i haven't even started it. and i still need stamps. and i'm really wanting some coffee. i don't even drink coffee, so i don't know what the hells up with that. so i'm just gonna b.s. my way through my draft, and go to bed (at a quite early hour for me) listening to some snazzy jazz. because i'm boring like that and need a life. i really want to go mtn biking. like, now. just go flying down some steep-ass hill and shit.

i feel like painting.

earlier - later