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"..she just needs to apply herself more often.."
11.01.01 - 12:22 a.m.

history was interesting. except for the part where we have a test monday. but i like my history tests, so it doesn't bother me. we were talking about the 30 years War (or is it Thirty Years War, like the Hundred Years War..?) and history!prof was telling us about the Defenestration of Prague. which was fairly amusing. (defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window). and that just made me think about Easter weekend this year. it was the Defenestration of Sal's. it was all highly enjoyable and it involved throwing stuff out the upstairs window (cuz we had to make room for all the junk that was coming up from the first floor, you see) and the next morning i was stumbling down the street like i was wasted and throwing up on the neighbor's sidewalk, but that had nothing to do with all the fun defenestration-ness, so i don't know why i mentioned it.

besides the fact that it was funny.

i have all sorts of scars on my left hand. i'll just say that it involved many sharp pointy needles and my hand. now there's a bunch of lil scars but i don't give a fuck.

i have a test tomorrow in sociology. i don't really give a fuck about that either. i'm probably failing that class by now anyway.. i skipped tuesday.. i guess that'd be almost 5 times i skipped.

tuesday i was walking through the parking lot by the art building with K (we have comp together & i have sociology right after that), and she asked me why i always skip that class because she knows i'm "really intelligent". (yay, sexy volleyball/softball player says i'm really intelligent!) i know i'm intelligent too, i "just need to apply [herself] more often" (as said by every single teacher i've had through out elementary, junior high, and high school.)

blablabla. i run with scissors.

i like the smell of gasoline too.

earlier - later