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research papers, cute girls & coffee shops. one of those things suck hardcore.
12.01.01 - 10:19 p.m.

days left until final paper is due: 3

pages done: cover page & 1 sentence of actual paper.

its very sad and pathetic and i don't care.

i feel like crap..sore throat.. foggy head.. all around michigan crud. its not fun. it hurts to talk.

it was a $1.50 for a thing of orange juice at the gas station this morning. thats just wrong.

i went to the store eariler to buy things for dinner (made vegetarian chili). oh. my. god(s). i saw the cutest girl there. lil taller than me, dressed all in black (except for a grey scarf. so cute), had long brown hair, and some snappy glasses. we passed each other like 4 times and made mucho eye contact.

and knowing my luck, i'll never see her again. drat..

i know what i want to do after i move to canada. open a coffee shop. its an idea i've had for a few years (even before i actually drank coffee). and not a coffee shop where its like $3 for a cappuchino. granted, my plan is more detailed than just "lower prices", but i don't feel like typing them all out here.

earlier - later