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i seem awfully chipper.. yet i'm not on drugs.. strange..
12.02.01 - 7:46 p.m.

days til paper is due: 2

pages written: 2

i've been up for bout 6 hours now, and i have 2 pages done.. considering that this is me, thats not bad. also you have to take into consideration that i spent a lot of that time going through all my articles, highlighting shit, and putting everything into piles so my articles on trepanation aren't buried with my articles of scarification. it makes sense really. i wouldn't even be online right now, but i remembered that i have copies of articles i need in my e-mail (cuz i was at school then and we ran out of paper).

so i decided, that since i was on, might as well update.

heh, i got this e-mail today.. its amusing. i'm gonna send it to one miss erica of sexy canadian-ness fame. the lil girl's answer at the end of the e-mail actually sounds like something i would say.. despite the fact that i'm not canadian..

i suppose i should stop yapping and get back to my paper. [side note: my thesaurus is my friend]


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