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behold the wonder that is a banana flavored mocha
12.17.01 - 7:41 p.m.

woke up at 1pm and walked downtown to the library. in the rain. that just increased the fun-ness.

oo, and then after that i went to the coffee shop and studied for my sociology exam. i read both the chapters its on, yet i'm still probably gonna do incredibly crappy. its kinda funny how that works.

but mmm.. today's special was banana mocha. damn tasty i might add. i've had two..mmm.. super tasty. i would have had another, but i kinda ran out of money.

i like when mom gives me money.

hm.. what else? oh, i wrote a poem while i was chillin' at said coffee shop. i haven't written any poems in a long time. so you know, go me. it kinda sucks, but whatever.

there's something peaceful about walking downtown at night with all the christmas lights shining and a light mist coming down. (not to mention having a yummy mocha in hand)

i'm gonna make some tomato soup since i haven't had anything food-like to eat since yesterday. hooray for tomato soup.

i hope i get to talk to erica tonight (heh, beware the midgets..)

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