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i'm a sexy bitch. so is godzilla.
12.30.01 - 11:39 p.m.

i'm cold. granted, i'm almost always cold, but usually i get all snuggled up in my lovey blanket when i realize i'm cold. but right now, i'm in a t-shirt, boxers (the design on them makes me giggle), and a robe. wait, can't forget the socks. oh yes, i'm a sexy bitch. rawwr.

so let's see.. hm. my weekend has sucked, except for the part yesterday when i got to talk to erica. that never sucks. hopefully i'll get to talk to her tonight too.

yesterday i shoveled snow and got bitched at by mom because the cart at Target had snow on it. well gee, i'm sorry that there was snow on it, every cart in the fucking store had snow on it. its winter in fuckin' michigan. there's gonna be snow.

so, i didn't talk to her the rest of the time we were there, and i walked 15 feet behind her the whole time. god i can be stubborn.

today i went to my grandma's with my brother and dad. while we were there, they had my brother and i run down to the lil store and pick up some things for lunch. mainly some veggie burgers for me. so we did, and the cute cashier girl working there smiled at me and was all nice to me, but not to my brother. ha!

and later i watched Godzilla movies. though unfortenately i missed "Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla". well damn.

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