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i need pants
02.16.02 - 12:06 a.m.

we don't have a dining room table anymore. i mean, technically, we do. but you can't see because of all the books stacked on top of it. piles and piles of books. ok, yeah, piles and piles of books is nothing new for this family, but we're selling them. and that is just wrong. a big ol' spankin' wrong. so almost everyday, mom buys some books from thift stores, so she can list them on to sell. i told her she can't buy anymore books til she sells some. i'm having her list about 3/4 of my books. i don't want them, they suck. except for my few good ones, which i'm not selling, cuz i'm not crazy. something like that.

so, today i was sitting on the ledge of our trapdoor (my new favorite sitting spot. and its in my favorite room in the whole fucking house), looking through the classifieds. i found some jobs i'm gonna apply for monday morning. there's one i'm pretty interested in. its installing fences.

well shucks, that just increases my overall total gayness by about ten-fold..

i'm not gonna get my hopes up though. however, i am gonna get another paper on sunday and check for some more jobs.

which reminds me. when i was in missouri earlier this week, dad said something about me which really pissed me off (more than usual). grandpa asked me what i was studying to be in school, and i said "i dunno" (which isn't that far from the truth..), then he asked me if i had a job, at which point, dad said, and i quote, "she thinks she doesn't need a job cuz she's in school. what are you gonna do, stay in school for the rest of your life?"

well. that just shows how much my father and i talk, eh? he has no clue that not only am i looking for a job (which mom will even tell ya), but i am going to use the money so i can move as soon as this semester is over.

i'm probably not even gonna tell him i'm moving. it'll pretty much be "i'm going to go visit some friends in canada" (which i'm going to try to do). then a few months later, it'll be like "oh.. i forgot to move back home. boo-fucking-hoo. screw you."

anyway. i get to go thrifting in the morning. hoorah. i need pants. i only have two pairs of pants that are not only still in one piece, but they aren't overly baggy on me. so i figure i'm gonna look for some pants. and other fun stuff.

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