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we'll see
02.27.02 - 3:41 p.m.

ok. so. there's this job that i might be getting. i'll know for sure by a week from sunday. so far, my odds are looing good. it'll be part time work. 12-9 a few days during the week, and a few hours on sunday night. good pay too. and there's nothing involving anything like flipping burgers, bagging groceries, or customer service. so, we'll see.

remember how a few days ago i said it was all sunshiney out? yeah. well, now we have a few inches of snow. damn. but it's not too bad. until the wind picks up and freezes your ears. ugh.

yesterday's shopping trip went well. bought a new pair of jeans, socks and boxers. my oh my, do those jeans look good on me. they're just a little long though, but it'll be fine when i wear my boots. i'll just roll the cuffs up once if i wear my all-stars. simple as that.

i like buying new socks. now if we only had a newly waxed linoleum floor. or even just a linoleum floor.

stupid carpet. you foil my plans for hours of amusement.

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