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spankin' new haircut
03.23.02 - 2:10 p.m.

i need to find more things to keep me occupied. the main time when i get bored is during the night when i can't sleep. usually it isn't very bad, i can find a book to read (or re-read), or i paint or just stare out my window.

but when i'm bored and there's a pair of scissors next to me, i usually end up cutting things. like my hair. which is what i did last night. my hair, which was down to my ears, is now nice and short and very lesbian-ish. have you seen the video for "seeing red" by unwritten law? i like the singer's hair (i like the song and video too). that's the kind of style i was going for. i think it turned out well.

thursday at work, alice said she would dye my hair for me. i should take her up on that offer. i'll ask her about it tomorrow night at work. i don't know what color i want. i guess i should find out what colors i can't have a work. although, this one girl had pink hair, so i don't think they're very strict about.

music: "shrapnel" american steel

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