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seeping porn plots
03.24.02 - 12:22 a.m.

i re-dyed my hair today. i'm not very pleased with it. next time i dye it, i'll just say "screw it" and bleach it before i dye it.

this was the 7th time i've dyed it. i think i can feel all the chemicals seeping into my brain. mm, seeping.

note to self: don't wear pants next time you dye your hair.

mom and i went grocery shopping today. sadly, there were a bunch of screaming kids there. i like grocery shopping, its just the people i hate. as i was standing there deciding between firm or soft tofu, a thought occured to me. porn movies have the stupidest plots. why are there porn movies with plots anyway? doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of watching porn in the first place? don't plots kinda get in the way of all the fucking?

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