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bored bored bored
04.13.02 - 4:19 p.m.

i got my commission check yesterday.

i fucking hate taxes.

i have $66 in my wallet. after i just spent $27 bucks on two cds. a Boston cd for alice (her 21st birthday is tuesday), and kylie's 'fever' for me.

cds are fuckin' expensive man.

i have $15.25 in quarters sitting next to me.

i get paid friday. whee!

ok. i need to stop spending money just because i have it. do i want to get out of here? yes. do we need money to do that? not necessarily, but i would like mom to not spaz out as much. all right then.


god. i'm so bored.

i'm gonna build a house out of popsicle sticks. leftover from when i built the globe theatre for shakespeare class.




i really need to find something better to do later.

earlier - later