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i smell like paint
04.24.02 - 7:40 p.m.

how to paint a room that is 20'x20' with 10' ceilings.

well, first, you'll need supplies of course. 4 0r 5 old sheets to use as drop clothes, a ladder, a paint roller, a paint tray, some small paint brushes, paint tape (to tape of the windows, etc), 5 gallons of paint (you'll only end up using 1 gallon, but you can ponder about that later). also, you'll need painting music. because painting without music is like.. well, its like something that totally and completely sucks ass, and should never be done. what's that? what kind of music? oh. well, i find american steel, smashing pumpkins, unwritten law, jimmy eat world, klover, and save ferris work well. if you can find some crazy banjo music, that'll be a plus.

alright, now that you have all of your supplies, move everything that is against the walls, into the middle of the room. yeah, that's a lot of crap in the room.. i don't know where it came from either.

now that you have the part done, take that snazzy blue paint tape, and tape of everything that you don't want painted. right.. good.. no! not the whole wall! no, really! just the windows, doors, that metal piping that runs along the top of the walls, and that annoying big ass vent. good.. no, i didn't know sticking tape to stuff would take that long either. you always were bad at managing your time.

alright, once you have everything taped off, spread the drop clothes on the ground. good. now, open a gallon of paint, stir it with that paint stiring thingy..what? i didn't mention that in the supplies part? oh. well. that's what you get for listening to me. shame on you. anyway. pour some paint in the paint tray.. good.. now, paint the walls. simple. you're doing good.. yeah, i don't know why they didn't pick a better color than white.. wow.. that's some damn fine painting.. do you do this often? your music is kinda loud, isn't it? well, no.. i guess it doesn't matter. no.. i wouldn't say its inspirational either.. stop looking at me like that damnit.

break time. oo, pizza. that's good pizza.

sadly, break time is over now. huh? no, i don't know how you got paint in your hair. gravity? well, yes, it seems the most likely reason. your arm is hurting? well, that's a shame. i really don't care. get back to work slacker. hey, did you know you have paint all over your shirt? and new-ish pants? yeah, that does suck.

huh, you've been painting for a few hours now, and its time to go home? oh. your shoulder hurts, and you almost fell off the ladder? no, you almost fell off the ladder because you're an idiot.. i'll call you an idiot if i want! how bout an ice cream cone? yes, it'll be tasty. hm, how bout that pink kind with the swirls? oo, ice cream. and a room that doesn't smell like paint.

and a shower.

wha? oh. yeah, i hope you get paid for this too.

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