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chairs on acid: the conclusion
04.26.02 - 11:46 p.m.

so, i spray-painted the chairs this afternoon. they turned out pretty damn good. i've dubbed them "funkadelic". because they are. plus, i spray-painted the little table that was out there with them. damn i'm good.

i just got done making a jug of wine a few minutes ago. i'll let you know how it turns out in 7 - 10 days.

know what? i accidently smacked my head against the cupboard. it hurt like a mofo. a lot. i yelled at the top of my lungs. "SON OF A BITCH!"

i've been saying that a lot. like tuesday, when alice and i were leaving burger king. with the frat boys and the school bus full of high school girls. and the grumpy workers. i kicked open the door and as i left, i yelled "SON OF A BITCH!!"

because it was funny.

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