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oy, the flem!
04.27.02 - 5:27 p.m.

the Crazy ex-Boyfriend of mom's is.. well.. he's still crazy. and annoying. and stupid. and still a drunk. and calling every single day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. sometimes more than once. he thinks we're screening our calls. because you see, whenever he calls, WE'RE NOT HOME. we're either each at our jobs, or i'm at school, or mom is out buying books, or its in the morning and not only am i the only one home, i'm asleep (and i am not getting up to answer the phone just to hang up on his drunk ass). so, he gets our answering machine and automatically thinks we're screening our calls.

and you know what he did? he called in sick TO JAIL. he doesn't work there. he's supposed to be there. BEHIND THE BARS. LOCKED UP.


you don't call in sick to jail.. "oh.. sorry man.. i can't go to jail today.. i'm sick. cough. oy, the flem."

people are fucking stupid. that's not saying a lot for humanity folks.

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